EMT Books & Supplies

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Walt Disney

Textbook Options

AHA 2020 CPR Book

EMS Testing

Kindle Edition


CPR and BLS is a vital skill all EMS providers must master. In order to keep up to date with changing CPR standards, students are expected to purchase and study the current BLS provider student manual.

You will need to purchase the following:

AHA 2020 BLS Provider Student Manual - $18.50

EMStesting.com is the testing platform used at Georgia Institute of EMS to administer validated exams.  These exams are designed to mimic The National Registry of EMTs exam questions and will better prepare you for your licensing exam.

You will need to purchase the following:

EMS Testing - $52.00